Vicente Torns Group

Compositor Bach 37, Pol. Ind. Can Jardi
08191 Rubi

Phone: +34935862800
Fax: +34936978282
Web address:
Stand: 3.2 / C15

Company Profile
Vicente Torns is one of the leading copper and aluminum winding wire manufacturers in Europe. The largest product range in Europe is covering the needs of the transformer, motor and generator industry. Europe, North Africa and the Middle East are covered in an effective and flexible way through the totally four production plants in Spain, Slovakia and France. Since 2017 and under the name Torns Sofilec, Vicente Torns increased its capacities and the Know How in regards to HF Litz and cables, polyimide film wrapping, finished coils and connection parts, reinforcing its presence on the market.


Cable and Stranded Wire

Stranded and solid wires are used for the connections of the transformers. Vicente Torns has a standard range in class 2 and class 5 cables, as well as an intermediate class.

Bus bars and profiles

We offer electrolytic copper bars used to manufacture electrical panels or for the connections in different industrial sectors.


CTC is based on a bundle of flat enameled wires, cabled and transposed. This product is used for power transformer windings, reducing electrical losses and winding time.

Paper insulated wires

Production of copper or aluminum paper insulated wires. Insulation with
Kraft, microcreped or thermostabilised papers.
Epoxy DDP
Polyimid Foil

HF Litz

The HF Litz is a high flexible product with low losses, used for high frequency applications. It’s constructed with multiple bunched enameled wires, a bundle insulation is possible

Product index
Electromechanical Components
Cable and Wires
Flexible Cables
Litz Wires
Intermediate, Semi-Finished Products and Materials
Semi-Finished Products
Semi-Finished Copper
Copper Profiles
Aluminum Wires
Copper Wires



Stator Coils

The group has done investments in automatic machinery of latest generation, taking one step forward in the value chain towards their customers, positioning itself as main partner in the green energy field.

Stator coils up to 6,6kV with VPI or Resin Rich insulation
• Minimum length of straight portion : 260 mm
• Maximum length of straight portion : 2800 mm
• Distance between straight portions: from 120 to 1800 mm
• Cross section: from 5x10mm to 30x80 mm
• Angle: from 0 to 180°